Saturday, June 24, 2006

Not Going Well...

So, the day after my last relationship post, IBF and I had a talk. I went over to his house to get my stuff (I didn't want all my crap there if we were going to break up) and so, we talked things through. He insisted on breaking up with me for about an hour, while I protested that that wasn't quite fair, given what was going on in my life. But everytime I tried to leave (when he told me that me not valuing his health [actually sleep] over my theatre company... see previous entry... was a dealbreaker, when he said that there's no point in trying to work things out, we're just incompatible, etc...) he wouldn't let me go, saying "I don't want things to end like this."

In the end, he had a sudden change of heart, gave me back the keys to his place, said we weren't breaking up.

And I've been on pins and needles ever since.

I'm super sensitized to him now. I feel like everytime I say not-quite the right thing, have any issue at all, he'll use the opportunity to break up with me. I feel like maybe I talked him into not breaking up... and who wants that, really?

So, I dunno. I think I've been subconsciously talking myself out of being in a relationship with him, a bit, in order to protect myself. "He's not motivated enough. He's not attentive enough." Every slightly-negative (and very human) thing he does bothers me, is examined and offered up as evidence as to why we shouldn't be together. My heart is just trying to protect me, I know, but it's causing major problems. We can't seem to get through an evening without an unpleasant ending.

Wednesday I headed over after my show, we talked and were having a good time until he started initiating sex. Of course he just kinda jumped me, which before would have been more than fine, but in my fragile, vulnerable state, it wasn't enough to do the job. I wasn't turned on enough, I wasn't into it. And he realized this and stopped, as I apologized, telling him that it's hard to be vulnerable with him.

Tonight started out well, till he started on some random lecture about co-dependency, telling me that he has a tendency to be co-dependent. I think this is absurd, as a co-dependent, in my book, would fawn all over their significant other, something he doesn't do at all. He says "I just don't realize that he does" and the argument begins. Yikes. But somehow we start laughing, let it go, and have an awesome evening. Until we're in the cab home, and drunk, and I tell him how I'm feeling guilty about something that happened this week, and he starts up on all the reasons why I should feel that way. No, it didn't go exactly like that, but that's the jist of it. So I get upset, and he gets defensive, and all of a sudden he realizes he's left his bag at the pizza place we were at, so I get out of the cab, and he turns around to go get it. Of course everything valuable has been taken, and he's upset and is going home--he's not able to deal with us right now (understandably).

We can't seem to go more than a few hours without fighting. Not a good sign.


Blogger the Yearning Heart said...

Not a good sign, but remember this - if you two didn't care at all, then there would not be enough passion to want to snipe at each other.

Both of you (I'm only guessing from what I'm reading) are getting to that part of the relationship where the hormones have faded and you're comfortable enough with each other to tell each other what you think. This is the border between dating and love.

Both of you need to ask yourself before each argument, "What will I really win with this position /argument / fight?"

I'm not suggesting that you be a doormat, and I do think he might be a bit of a weenie when it comes to this sort of thing, since he doesn't seem to "fight fair." But you two have to decide each time if the fight is worth the fight.

If it were, me, I would have gone to your show, sat in the (usually for comp tickets) cheap seats, and taken a quick unobtrusive nap until your scene. I would have fallen asleep in the cab on the way home with you, leaning over till my head was on your shoulder and drool coming out of the corner of my mouth. I probably would have also been a complete martyr about the whole thing, so count your blessings; there's all kinds of annoying boy / girlfriends.

He might be super-sensitive right now too. It sounds like every little thing about you is annoying him, he doesn't appreciate you, and visa-versa. This is a very sensitive time in any relationship.

Of course, I'm only hearing your side of things, but like a good girlfriend, I'm pulling for you. Good luck.

June 24, 2006 10:29 AM  
Blogger Damn It Anyway said...

Chin up.
I wish i knew what to say..but......well....chin up.

June 24, 2006 1:49 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Sweetie, he's playing you. Please check out the Manipulator Files on Seriously. Read and learn. If you're walking on pins and needles around him, you're wasting an awful lot of energy. This is not going to be a good relationship. Ever.

June 25, 2006 5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...this is a toughie. I think you need to say to him "I feel like everytime I say not-quite the right thing, have any issue at all, he'll use the opportunity to break up with me. I feel like maybe I talked him into not breaking up...". Exactly what you have written here. Maybe you both need some time to collect your independent thoughts about the situation at hand. Get some phyiscal and mental distance and let your head and your heart naturally evaluate what's going on. Good luck!

June 25, 2006 6:17 PM  
Blogger Joy said...

Ugh. Doesn't sound good, indeed. I agree with the idea about getting some space and time to consider what you want and need from this.

Good Luck!

June 26, 2006 10:33 AM  
Blogger Jamy said...

He's not playing you. Yeesh--why the need to be so cruel? But, I've been where you are, having to watch everything I say, and it doesn't work. Until you can get out of the pattern, you won't be happy.

I don't know if you can resolve these issues with bf, but there are worse things than being single. Feeling like you are constantly in the wrong is one of them.

June 26, 2006 8:59 PM  
Blogger Horse said...

I recognize this gambit. What he's doing is pushing you as far as he thinks he can, then reeling you back in. Next time, he will push you farther. It's a power grab.

Reinforcing a negative emotion you have is a classic example of this: you can't argue back because he's agreeing with something you said. You're pinned.

He's trying to see, for lack of a better turn of phrase, how much crap he can put on you. It's the emotional equivalent of housework he doesn't want to do. Will you do it?

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's a bad guy, because this is a common modality of male behavior, specifically among dumpees.

When he says "I have a tendency to be co-dependent," what he means is "I've been burned in past relationships." What you have, then, is a man who would do anything to avoid emotional pain, including inflicting it.

This results in an asymmetry in the relationship: he will not drop his guard, even though you will. If you stay with him, you will be rewarding him for acting like that.

It's his problem, not yours. You may have minor communication issues to sort out, but he is emotionally unprepared for a relationship.

If you leave him for real, he will wait about a week and a half, then call you and tell you how much you really mean to him and how stupid he was to treat you that way.

Thanks for inviting me back.

June 27, 2006 11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I wouldn't spend time trying to interpret what he's meaning by saying that he's co-dependent. You're just making excuses for him if you are interpreting it to mean that "he's been burned in past relationships".

I've made way too many excuses for men in my life-- trying to interpet pretty blatant messages and behaviors to avoid the truth- that this guy just wasn't the one. Giving them all this latitude while I wasn't getting any.

The fact that he said he wanted to break up with you is about as clear as a message gets. You shouldn't have to convince anyone to stay in a relationship with you, and you shouldn't deal with a one-sided relationship where you're walking on eggshells... it seems like he's perfectly happy with it being that way if he's blaming you and not taking any responsibility for his own actions.

I say deal with this relationship on your own terms. Ask yourself if this is good enough for YOU.

June 27, 2006 2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Freshman- if you have to convince a guy not to break up with you, then that says it all!

June 27, 2006 4:43 PM  
Blogger Downtown said...

Sometimes in moments like these, it is almost better to step away from the situation. Obviously you are very busy with your glowing, successful career. Would it really hurt to focus on that a bit. Even a couple days of non-boyfriend distraction might help you gain some perspective. Right now you are so cautious and concerned about what he is thinking.... What about you?

June 28, 2006 9:54 AM  
Blogger NotCarrie said...

I think everyone else has covered in the advice department so, I'll just say I hope it works itself out:)

June 28, 2006 10:16 AM  

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